Nov 28, 2015
Being Rich-Family
Series: Being Rich
As we continue in our series on what it means to be rich, our guest speaker, Kathy Klink, shares with us some insights from her life in regards to family and how God has restored a relationship for her!
  • Nov 28, 2015Being Rich-Family
    Nov 28, 2015
    Being Rich-Family
    Series: Being Rich
    As we continue in our series on what it means to be rich, our guest speaker, Kathy Klink, shares with us some insights from her life in regards to family and how God has restored a relationship for her!
  • Nov 22, 2015Being Rich-Running the Race
    Nov 22, 2015
    Being Rich-Running the Race
    Series: Being Rich
    As we continue on in our series, Being Rich, Pastor Ben discusses being rich in faith and what it means to be a child of God in that perspective!
  • Nov 15, 2015The Generosity of Heaven
    Nov 15, 2015
    The Generosity of Heaven
    Series: Being Rich
    As we continue our series on what it means to be rich, Pastor Tom Kyle from Life Church shares his heart with us on the Generosity of Heaven and what it truly means to be a generous person!
  • Nov 7, 2015Being Rich-Part 1
    Nov 7, 2015
    Being Rich-Part 1
    Series: Being Rich
    Everyone wants to be rich. But was does it really mean to be rich and what does God want us to know and believe about our finances? Join us this week as Pastor Ben dives into this topic in our sermon series, Being Rich!