At the End of the Day…

Saturday evening, I got back home around 11pm and it had been a long day. Not a bad day by any stretch but a long day. I had to run some errands in the morning, went to pick up food for the church launch, headed straight to the building, helped set up for our service, lead worship, etc. The Church Launch went off without a hitch. If you were there with us, I enjoyed every single minute of it. It was a phenomenal time of God’s Presence and fellowship with family in Christ. As you’d probably expect though, by the time it was over and done, by the time we had locked the building up, and by the time I got home, I was absolutely exhausted. My initial thought as I walked into my room was, “God, I accomplished a lot today huh?” But as my mind drifted back to Pastor Ben’s sermon, I thought, “That’s not really the right question.” (See? I do listen Pastor Ben) The real question was, “God, were You pleased by what I did today? Did it bring You glory? Did it make You happy?” Thankfully, I believe the answer to that question was “yes”. But this isn’t a blog about my personal journey through life. This is about all of us, and today, I just want to remind you of what I think is the “proper question” for the end of this day, wherever it finds you.


God, did I please Your Heart?”


I have the ability to do an infinite amount of things during the day. Given all the opportunities that fly by in any given 24 hour period, there really is an almost limitless amount of options set before us. But the reality of it is that despite my many options, my being was made for one purpose. I was made by God, through God, and for God. Revelation 4:11 testifies that truth, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” It truly puts all of my decisions in life into the proper perspective. Does it matter how much it looks like I accomplished if God wasn’t pleased by it? I mean, if the entirety of my being was made to make Him happy, does it ultimately matter if I did all the things that “I” wanted to do? I don’t think so. I’m not saying there aren’t moments to enjoy life though. Enjoy fellowship with others. Go spend time with your family. Those are absolutely wonderful things. But at the end of the day, ask yourself one question and really contemplate it in your heart. Did I please His Heart or mine? – Pastor Joe

One Response to “At the End of the Day…”

  1. Terrise Smith says:

    Interesting blog. I am thinking about questions. I notice when I do not ask questions I am trying to be in control and that stresses me out. So why have I not learned to give God control? It is a deep issue for me. I am afraid to serve Him because of so many terrible experiences. I need to know God for who he really is. So I can be free. New questions come about how to know God.

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