The Path of Least Resistance

If you’re like me, you’ve probably heard someone say at some point in your life, “It’s easier to take the path of least resistance.” More often then not, we use that phrase to talk about the battles we face on a daily basis. Maybe it’s relational, or issues at work, with family, etc. In any case, it’s often the easiest approach to life that we could possibly take. That doesn’t always mean it’s the right path, but rather the easiest one. Most of us, if we’re being honest, probably live with that mentality more often then not. We don’t want to fight and put up with the battle for the potential greater outcome. We’d rather follow what is easier with a less fulfilling reward. Now compare that to following God. Ironically, you’ll find just the opposite. Most of us spend the majority of our times beating against doors that are shut, when God has already prepared, and opened, a door right behind us. All we’d have to do is turn around and walk through it. But instead, we choose too often to fight with futility against a path that God Himself has closed for us! We read in scripture, “I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” Isaiah 22:22 The “He” in this verse is Jesus. And what does it say about the things Jesus decides to shut? No one can open it! And the things Jesus opens? No one can shut them! So I wonder, what would our lives look like if we followed the path of least resistance when it comes to the Will of God? What if, instead of fighting God to accomplish our own desires, instead of beating on doors that He’s shut for our own good, we turned our motivations toward simply walking in the favor of the things He’s opened for us? That’s my challenge for you today church. Don’t spend your time struggling to succeed at things that God isn’t blessing. Instead, look for His favor, look for His path’s, His Will, and follow it wholeheartedly.  Pastor Joe